Finals Week, MSA Retreat, and Jummah
Finals Week is almost here! As we finish up RRR week, remember that Berkeley Masjid (2716 Derby Street) is always an option for a quiet study spot. Best of luck to everyone on finals; inshAllah we all get the results we want, and the results that Allah deems best for us.
As a reminder, MSA Retreat will be held early in the Spring 2017 semester, around the end of January or early February. The retreat will most likely be for two nights/one day, and the location will be within two hours. Make sure to keep a few weekends free! More details will be released shortly.
Finally, remember that there will be no campus Jummah on the Friday of finals week (12/16) or during winter break. Berkeley Masjid Jummah prayer begins at 1:30 pm.
Salaams, good luck on finals, and stay safe during break!